Andreas Vilic
11 min readMar 20, 2018


“The System”-Dangers of the modern world

You will find that this is not a science fiction article and that it carries a lot of facts and events from real life and history.

The aim is to improve your life skills and enrich you with understandings about how things work and what has and will become.

We all spend our days in our own reality bubble and everyone have a choice to do so, but by doing that, there are so many things that we are neglecting, as our focus is mostly oriented to what is popular, and our ambitions, goals, standings may not be something of our own, but a composition of information which have gathered in life.

Before continuing with this article, you may read the “Simple “truth” about life” which I published a few weeks ago, as it is a great mind stimulant for acquiring a higher level of understanding.

To start with a simple life lesson, you should be aware of the ancient life teaching which separates the body from the mind or mind from the body. Pulling the line between those two can be quite dangerous as one will neglect the other and we have the ability to do so, that is how strong can be the power of our choice.

As I have mentioned in the previous article, the most important thing is the balance and a perfect mind can only exist in a perfect body and vice versa, so mind and body need to be as one.

As an example, in 1875, Matthew Webb swam the English Channel in less than 22 hours, while an ordinary person in a man overboard situation will experience a shutdown of his limbs maybe even instantly, where the brain will automatically prevent the functions of limbs as an attempt to preserve itself, which as a consequence will be counterproductive as drowning will occur.

One of the most important things that have been lost in a collective of a modern world is awareness and to reach a certain amount of it, can be achieved by knowledge and observation and to be fully aware you have to strip your mind from stereotypes and false information. The false information can seem to be very true as it has occupied a great portion of our mind and is driving us on by instinct. We may refer to it as a delusion.

I will do my best not to make this article a lecture about history, but to understand and get a wider perspective I will have to mention some figures and by all means I do encourage you to learn about them, because what was is important for what will be. and if you just would not care, you wouldn’t be reading this article, would you?

The basic formula, which can come out from common saying “time is money”, not to mention the popular one “money makes the world go round”, it makes the system go around, but it has flaws, which I will explain later.

Following up, that time as money is a fabrication of human imagination and a product of control in both case, if you have read the previous article, we can come to conclusion:

If (Time = Money) And (Time=Death) Then (Money=Death)

It makes you think about the system, just by figuring this one out.

Let me explain further. We have this picture of everyday life in most of the “modern” world:

It can be you in any of these cars, but now all these cars are a part of the system and if watched as an observer, you won’t pay much attention to each car individually, but still, each car represents a system by itself. There is a system of thoughts and feelings in each one of them and it is called a human being, however, you may realize how easy is to look at the wider picture and neglect the deeper, more focused one. At the same time, when you neglect this idea, you have neglected your self and become a system driven subject, you may even call it a slave.

If you compare the old systems with a new one, the only thing that has changed from a slavery system is the “prize” and the prize is money, then again, the times have changed as well, so modernization brings its fruit, but not many people seem to bother with what is the cost of it all. Imagine a slave in ancient times,he would get food and shelter,but you can refer it as a form of payment for his slavery work and in the modern world you have your freedom and this freedom comes in a form of working for money, but what if the pipe gets closed,what if there is no more money, what happens to your freedom?

As there are no gods in a modern world, no kings or queens, emperors or feudal, there is a Monetary system, which expelled human as a responsible party and now we have computer calculations determining the standard and the future of some individual or/and country.

The system has brought debts and not only individual, we have countries now on the edge of complete bankruptcy as their model cant figure out how to return the debt and the system as every system was to perfect to itself to leave any room for the “real world”. But as I said, this is all a fabrication of a human imagination and a human invented a system that will suck them dry.

The system will put someone on a yacht or a super mansion, on the other hand, it will just overnight send another to the street.

If they could build a computer model in the past to see the timeline of a monetary system as they can see now with models of what will happen with a climate or anything else, I think that they would think twice.

Now, the western civilization. Since the 1990’s, what has changed? We have more and more people coming to the Western worlds and what did the western world do? They have exported work! The greatest exportation product of developed countries was work. Industries have become nonprofitable and it was all exported to the old world countries and now we have a population of office sitting clerks and slaves of the system that probably won’t even find out what a hard work is and what are the benefits of a real work. Instead, the result is alienation, depression, anxiety, stress, and cancer.

Something went terribly wrong!

There is probably no way without a system anymore, but every system should have a responsibility and each individual should be looked after by “the system” as the failure of the system is every capable working individual without a work, every alcoholic or drug addict that no one tried to help or offer some understanding, advice or interest, every criminal or every suicidal individual.

The money just became more obsessed with money and these days everyone is just consumed by its idea. It has become like a religion, as the greatest life values are placed in money or what money can buy.

The next question is, and I would like you to give it some thoughts, how week and fragile have we become?

The system as it is is unstoppable. We have constant construction going on, because if it stops,what will happen with all the construction workers? We have more and more pollution and waste and again if your front of the house and street is clean, no one again ask where all this waste is going. There are many examples, but when I say no one, I am referring to probably more than 95% of the population and this 95% are “the system” as watching ant workers going from point A to the point B, just driven by instinct, ending day by day in a cycle of life.

As many times mentioned in a science fiction movies, everything does resemble,well maybe not as a virus ,but as a bacterial infection, but we may refer to the system as a virus, something that is just on the edge of lifeless nature and a living world.

There are many forms of the systems from the past. Religion was also a form of a system and the system finally means control. I like to speak about religion as it is contradictory and absurd in many ways. It is amazing that you can be regarded as the greatest believer on one side, get the greatest respect and be praised and then on some other sides as an infidel, being hated, hunted and executed. And if you have read all of the “holy books”,you will notice that each one of them is “a good book” and “a book of a curse”.

The good part of the book tells you how you should behave and the other curses you if you don’t.

The greatest contradiction which I have found lies in AVESTA, where they have gathered the thoughts of Zarathustra and combined it with a Parsi religion. Zarathustra first idea,from which you may advance in developing and advancing your mind is “Good thoughts, good words and good deeds” and then you get a system in a form of religion, writing out the book of prays with following statements:

“At Thy will and with happiness Thou, O Ahura Mazda! rulest over Thine-own creations; (Thou rulest) at (Thy) will over waters, over trees and over all good things, the seeds of righteousness. Thou appoint the holy (man) a ruler (but) not the infidel (i.e. the sinful man). May the righteous (man) be ruling-at-will (but) may the infidel, fallen into calamity, cast out of the creations of the Holy Spirit, having failed(in his schemes) be not-ruling-at-will.”

It contradicts just by nature. How can you have good thoughts, words or deeds if your second thought is a calamity of another? This question by itself shows that religion as an institution is false, no matter of which “brand”.

I like to call them brands, just like Adidas, Nike, Kappa, because it is subject to choice and the choice is in this case forced by an environment, community and/or even close family members. Some people have never even had a choice as it was implemented in their mind as the first real truth about life and we already know what the power of the deluded mind can do, from history to modern world situations.

So, as the first conclusion, human as a collective has evolved its greatest advantage “the brain”, but with it has developed the greatest weakness which is confusion that leads to delusion and other sicknesses of the mind and as the result it brings us to the second conclusion as the effect of the first, the weakness of the body.

When you combine those two, you have the answer to what a modern human is, week and deluded. And this is where evolution has brought us.

You may disagree and consider yourself strong, because there are enormous amounts of weight you can lift or have the whole encyclopedia memorized, but where an ant may survive, most of the humans probably can not anymore.

There is a beautiful movie, directed by Sean Penn, made by Jon Krakauer’s book, Into the Wild — which I really recommend to watch as it has some of the wisdom which is mentioned in this article.

We have touched the question of individual, that every country and a worldwide system has fairly neglected and you may look up the examples of civilizations and their destinies. Starting from Sumerian and the other Mesopotamian civilizations, across Greek and Roman civilizations to modern Europe and current Western civilization.

If you learn about them, you will learn a lot about the path of hatred and hatred never ended as it had the possibility to jump and infect anyone who came in contact with it, hidden in the ideal of control and domination.

No matter how strong our will is for the greater good, it can never be accomplished by doing evil.

We live in a communities where we are allowed to speak up, the same as I am writing this article now, could get me killed not far in the past and it could be a treat in some way even today, but now we have to move from individual to a set of individuals, where the will of one ends and becomes the conscious of many.

We may refer to this conscious as states and countries. When there are laws and religions to control individuals to behave on state levels, nothing like this really exists. The countries will do what they please, many of them will behave like a small spoiled child and the excuse for this behavior will be the benefits and freedom of the individual, but we already know that the system doesn’t really pay much attention for individuals.

As a very good example, we can take the USA, and just because they bounce more than Russia, which are two major powers in the world now. We hear it quite often that the American way of life must be preserved. But in fact, it is the system that they are trying to preserve.

The common facts are that in 2015, there were 372.6 violent crimes per 100000 residents, which leads to more than a million cases in the year, which is not as bad as the WW’s looking at the number of souls, but when looked at the average per capita it is worse than both WW. There are more than 3 million from 2010 that have experienced homelessness and only in California’s Santa Clara County, is a home to Silicon Valley’s 76,000 millionaires and billionaires. And still, the country will spend a trillion dollars just to modernize their nuclear arsenal.

So we may ask ourselves if this is a moral vertical?

In these days when discrimination and equality is a major question, we still didn't manage to solve the more important issue, which is moral discrimination and inequality! And this one is the source to all of the discrimination and inequality.

I do apologize for putting the States in the first plan, but the same thing is happening in Europe as the spread of capitalism is like an infection, not even to mention smaller states and countries which look like the ancient ruling systems, where only citizens of worth are politicians and their elite.

To finalize, just imagine a scenario with some world catastrophe. Now, when most of the small producers are consumed and destroyed by big corporations. When you cant live like in old days, where you were able to survive without even seeing a nickel in a lifetime. When you won’t be able to put a price tag on the carrot!

Where will it leave you?

Most of the people will say that looking at the peaceful world is just naive. But even if it is naive it is not impossible. There is a lot of room for improvement and we need new models how to preserve our species, and once and for all times get rid of all the differences, because only the brainless cant figure it out that we do share the same destiny.

All the systems are and were invented to control the greater masses, under what control are you now?

We are facing probably the most challenging time in the history of mankind and there is a very few that worry about it. Military interventions, resource control, terrorism, human trafficking not to mention global warming, pollution, and disease.

We have a poor way of caring about ourselves and the planet we live on. We have a poor way of caring for life!

That is a fact!



Andreas Vilic

Human, father, brother, husband, son, friend, skipper, entrepreneur, life long learner. That's me!