Andreas Vilic
1 min readApr 27, 2018


A great article. I admire the honesty that rarely people are willing to show. You are right in so many ways. There had always been a bunch of what I like to call “old farts” that somehow through generations prevail and have built a system that places humans as sheep, automated robots, from the day of birth, moving through a pattern of their predetermined life, not even paying attention of where they are (in space) and what in general we are doing to this planet and finally to our selves.

The fact is, that America will spent 1 trillion of USD, I am disgusted to mention the money, but hey, this is the world that we made, on modernization of existing nuclear arsenal, they are building wall with Mexico, there has never been a president without blood on his hands and the land is populated mostly with poor and the privileged few that gets to play with their USD. A thousand of people killed each year only by police officers. So the American way of life, what is it, something from Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”?



Andreas Vilic

Human, father, brother, husband, son, friend, skipper, entrepreneur, life long learner. That's me!